Friday, November 28, 2008

Sorry i havent posted stuff in a while. Tell me ideas on wat i can put on this blog to make it better!!!!


Pickle621 said...

HI Sprites i have a question is this your blog that your posting on or is this one old? :\

Also on the blog list on the side thats not my blog address any more and for ideas you should do.................hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i have no clue :D sry im no help see yas tommorow!

Kina said...

how do u leave polls? It's really cool. Idk how, but I'll try and find out.

Maddie said...

Hi Kaitryn~ yes i am posting on this blog and it is not old. and if that blog you are not using anymore~ then what is your current blog? (if you have a current blog) and if you ever think of ideas for this blog, be sure to tell me!!!!!! see ya 2morrow at skewl!

~Maddie :)